Friday, October 24, 2008

Arkansas' Artists

This is a post that I will be updating routinely as I meet Arkansas' Artists and post new links

Ariston Jacks: Mixed Media, mural painter, etchings, photography: I was blown away by the skill of this relatively young artist who creates works at the intersection of African and American culture. Look for repeted themes of African masks and American currency.

Matthew Lopas: Mattew not only likes to paint in his house, he makes his house and its varied rooms his primary subject! Check out Matthew's 360 wrap around perspective as applied to big murals.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Daily Bread

Start your day right with some meditations in the Spirit.

The Beauty of His Face17 October 2008Hamilton, VA

The beauty of men shall vanish in old age, all former comeliness is wiped away with grief.The radiance of Christ's face, lovely before all things, is more to be desired than the frail flower of flesh.

- Columbanus, Poem on the World's Impermanence, Irish, 7th century

You fill their womb with treasure; they are satisfied with children, and they leave their abundance to their infants. As for me, I shall behold your face in righteousness; when I awake, I shall be satisfied with Your goodness.

- Psalm 17.14, 15

For the devotion which follows, and a daily devotional in your mailbox go to and check out the "Crosfigell"

Sunday, October 5, 2008


Carl Warner photographer: For some of the weirdest and most delightful of food scapes (food and such arranged to look like fairytale landscapes) go to the orange square on English Photographer Carl Warner's site. Simply Amazing.

Cake Wrecks: a site given to cakes gone horribly or hilariously wrong (though I rather liked this Van Gogh cake.